
2009.09.30.wed. ANN youtube.com/user/ANNnewsCH

2009.09.30.wed. TBS youtube.com/user/tbsnewsi

AR Business Card from James Alliban on Vimeo.Have a look at http://jamesalliban.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/ar-business-card/ for more info

2009.09.30.wed. TV-ASAHI youtube.com/user/tvasahi

2009.09.08.tue. べっきー youtube.com/user/xBextahx

2009.07.29.wed. ATP 青色1号 wiredvision.jp

The Runner -Exploit yourself- from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.Exploit yourself is a Spec commercial inspired by NIKE.

Directed by Carl Erik Rinsch, Expliot yourself talks about your own limits. The commercial was produced in Big Lazy Robot Visual Effects studio from february to may.

Our wish was to show off the nerve and spark and freshness of the city with the strength and power of modern sport competition, all in a whole 3d environment.

‘Exploit Yourself’ talks about pushing your limits just for the sake of it.

Who said life at the city was placid?


HDTV - www.biglazyrobot.com/EXPLOIT.mov
INET - www.biglazyrobot.com/EXPLOIT_LOW.mov

Title: Exploit yourself - Spec commercial inspired by Nike.
Director: Carl Rinsch
Animation: Big Lazy Robot Visual Effects.
Music: The Prodigy - The Big Gun Down


Thanks for watching!

BLR vfx

2009.07.18.sat. Taser demo three-way X3 electro-shock on own staff link.brightcove.com

2009.07.16.thu. flickr.com

2009.06.10.wed.-11.thu. wwdc09-02

2009.06.08.mon.-09.tue. wwdc09-01

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thanks !

jhal dna


It returns to the head.